Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday Update

I talked to Lynette earlier this afternoon. She said Mark was lethargic all day yesterday but perked up when she got there after work. She had to go to work yesterday since she has already missed so much and was at work again today but the doctors called her back to the hospital to discuss options and make some decisions. Mark has been having a hard time even holding his head up and lifting his arms. The plan today was to put in a J-tube (Jejunostomy Tube ), which is a type of feeding tube. The primary reason for use of the J-Tube is to bypass the stomach and to be fed directly into the intestinal tract. Lynette wanted me to add that the only reason that they were going to do this was because she had a stern talking to with the doctor last night after he suggested they wait a few more days to go ahead with it. She put her foot down because she sits there all day watching her boy loosing weight and not keeping anything down for days, even vomiting green bile. So that was the plan until just 30 minutes ago. They were in the process of putting the feeding tube in but the surgeon came in and said to wait because he wants to do exploratory surgery tomorrow. So they are holding off one more day and Lynette is not planning to go to work the rest of this week.


kendude said...

Mark had a cranial MRI late this afternoon and as of 7:40 PM no results have been received. He continues to be unable to hold down food and is receiving nourishment through the vein.
Tomorrow @ 11:00 AM mark is scheduled for an abdominal Lapcroscopy or as Lynette likes to call it, "3 hole punch"
This again is exploratory in nature. The Infectious Disease Team today ruled out any known issues of this nature.

Byron and Jana said...

Thanks Ken, I'll add that so everyone can see it.

kendude said...

Please remember Mark in your prayers. Tomorrow he gets a Laproscope to asses abdomen and GI track. The MRI shows nothing conclusive. They may at the same time put in a feeding tube.
Thanks to All