Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, from Markys Mom--

Thank you, everybody, for all of your kind words and prayers! What an inspiration you ALL are to us!

I should've been blogging for years! If I'd known how much support and strength was to be found.....think about it!

Ah, but yet all of you have ALWAYS been here for us.....that i DO realize. But seeing your thoughts in print seems to ease the daily burdens we all carry.

So....thanks for helping!

The Docs are trying some new Meds on Marky. Something that they use on Crohn's disease patients. Also, trying some anti-nausea meds that help Chemotherapy patients too.

They have scheduled Mark to have an Angiogram on Thursday to assess the integrity of the vasculature that supplies the intestines. This involves threading a small catheter into Mark's femoral artery (groin area) and injecting contrast media (dye) and following its pathway as it circulates through the heart and on to the intestines.

Marky continues to suffer from intense nausea and frequent vomiting. He gets what he calls "crazy legs" all the time. Which is restless leg syndrome, probly induced by the many Meds he's on accompanied by the fact that he's been lying in bed unable to walk for 6 wks, accompanied by extreme "cabin fever"!

He still is unable to keep anything down, including small sips of water. He still has the NG tube pumping his stomach through his nose. Still has the PIC line catheter in his arm where he receives the meds and IV feedings. And he cant get up to use the restroom or shower. These things must be done for him.

He HAS, however, loved all your jokes and messages! HAS actually been transferred to sit in a Lazy-boy recliner beside his bed, once or twice. HAS been able to play an X-Box 360 at times when he's up to it. HAS smiled at the many visitors who have come to cheer him up. HAS continued to insist that he WILL "parachute outa this place tonight when the nurses arent looking" !!!

Love to all of you and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU........


Byron and Jana said...

You say it all so perfectly! You are definitely loved by many!
Sounds like the balls a rollin with Marky....still praying that everything works how they expect it too. Keep pluggin away and let's get that boy home already!
Jana and the wild kids next door :)

Anonymous said...

Hi James this is Mom, been keeping up on Mark and the Grandchildern,I was talking to one of Davies Cousins, and she said this sounds just like Lupis,have the Dr's concidered checking for Lupis. Davie's Cousin Arda, sent money, not sure how much, she is such a sweetheart.I'm sorry we can't help, with money, all we can do is pray and keep all of you in our thoughts and heart's. I better go. Give the Grandchildern a big hug and kiss.We lovr you sll. God bless. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
We all miss you in class. I really hope you get better!
Love, Sara

Anonymous said...

Lynette- You are such a champ! I don't know what other word to use! Full of gratitude and love, looking at the positives, you are just amazing. You have served so many, including us, as long as I have known you and you always have the best attitude and yet are still completely down to earth and real. Thank you for all you do- you are such a great example to so many people. How are you feeling? Are you all better from whatever it was you have had? Marky is awesome, he is just like you and I can hear his little voice saying all the things you quote him on. He is awesome! Tell him how much we love him, pray for him, think about him and are lifted up by his great attitude and strength. We love you! Love- The Howells

Erin said...

I love you guys! You are in our prayers and on our minds CONSTANTLY. We are sending lots of prayers and faith in your direction! You are amazing and I love you!

I'm on my way with a parachute! You are so brave and such an inspiration to me! Keep on fighting this thing!
Love, your favorite cousin, Erin.

Debbie said...

I'm with Marky. I love the idea if him jumping right out of there and flying on home. We'll put a big red x on your front yard to mark the spot!!

Thanks for blogging. I check it several times a day anxious to hear how things are going. Hang in there little buddy. I think you're tough as nails and you're going to beat this and be all better one day soon I hope. We love you!!

Cathy Wallace said...

Hi Lynette,
We're so glad you're blogging too! We love to hear about Marky's news, both the happy and the sad, the tough and the glad.

A few nights ago (the same day Pres. Monson was praying for Marky) Dave and I went to dinner with the surgery center staff. One of the doctors and his wife starting talking about their son that had a disease that took a really long time to diagnose. He was two when he got sick and eventually was found to have HLH, an autoimmune disease. He had 108 blood transfusions and at times went through a unit of blood in a day! His heart would race at 180-200 beats per minute and he had fevers of 105 that lasted for days. He had two bone marrow transplants too. But today he is a healthy six-year-old with no signs of illness at all. It gave me hope to hear about a little guy pulling through all that. I told them about you and they are following your blog now too.

I'm mailing Marky a parachute tomorrow. It might not be big enough to fly home on, but he can play with it in his bed.

You are an inspiration! Our prayers and love are with you all, Cathy

Anonymous said...

Lynette, sending these Childerns Jokes, for the Grandchildern, I found on
1. Q: Why do cow's wear bells?
A: Because their horns don't work!
2. Q: how do you make a milk shake?
A: Give it a good scare!
3. Q: Q: What do you get when you cross a parrot and a centerpede?
A: A walkie-talkie!
4. Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: Put a little boogie into it!
Heres only a few, hope he get a good laugh out of it. Love you. Grandpa & Grandma Simmons